Thursday 24 January 2013

OCT imaging; what is that??

Normal scan
Airdrie Eyecare Centre is pleased to announce that we have added a new instrument to our practice, the Topcon 3D OCT-2000 (OCT-2000) optical coherence tomographer.  Using the latest technology available we can now create three-dimensional color images of your retina and its various layers.  This can help your Optometrist with the identification of retinal health issues at an early stage.

Wet age related macular degeneration
 The OCT-2000 uses a high-speed light source and 16.2 megapixel color camera to document the back of your eye.  This simple test is done in our office and takes less than three seconds per eye.  Information captured with the OCT-2000 creates a 3D model of the scanned area providing the doctor with detailed information normally invisible from view.  This new technology will aide the doctor in the treatment, diagnosis, and monitoring of a variety of eye health issues today.  These include age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.  

Macular Hole
The Airdrie Eyecare Centre (AEC) has been serving the community of Airdrie since 1983 when it founded by Dr Larry Kanters.  Our team is excited to be the first clinic in Airdrie to offer this technology that allows early detection and monitoring of many eye disease.  Dr Kanters, Dr Long, Dr Lautenschlager, Dr Forrest and Dr Panylyk look forward to answering any questions and interpret your retinal scans.

Edema in Diabetic retinopathy

To schedule an appointment or for more information contact us today at (403) 912-0999

Our professionals assess your vision concerns and will provide you with custom vision solutions to match your unique lifestyle and ultimately protect your most precious sense; Your Sight.